UIkit select input form for Shiny
ukSelectInput(inputId, label = NULL, choices = NULL, selected = NULL, width = NULL)
inputId | character.The input identifider used to access the value. |
label | character. Input label. |
choices | character. Named or unnamed vector of choices or a list of vector to make group of select option. |
selected | character. Initial value. |
choices | character. Named or unnamed vector of choices or a list of vector to make group of select option. |
# NOT RUN { library(shiny) shinyApp( ui = ukPage( tags$h1("Hello UIkit"), ukSelectInput("var", "Select", choices = c("Miles per galon" = "mpg", "Displacement" = "disp")), tableOutput("plot") ), server = function(input, output) { output$plot <- renderTable({ mtcars[, c("wt", input$var), drop = FALSE] }, rownames = TRUE) } ) # }