Container country metadata schema on the production server
Container sectoral_area metadata scheme on production server
Container country metadata schema on the UAT server
Container sectoral_area metadata scheme on UAT server
A tibble with 219 rows and 2 variables:
- country_code
Code for country
- country_label
Label for country
A tibble with 57 rows and 2 variables:
- sectoral_area_code
Code for sectoral_area
- sectoral_area_label
Label for sectoral_area
A tibble with 219 rows and 2 variables:
- country_code
Code for country
- country_label
Label for country
A tibble with 57 rows and 2 variables:
- sectoral_area_code
Code for sectoral_area
- sectoral_area_label
Label for sectoral_area
#> # A tibble: 219 × 2
#> country_code country_label
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 AFG afghanistan
#> 2 ALB albania
#> 3 ALG algeria
#> 4 AND andorra
#> 5 ANG angola
#> 6 ANT antigua and barbuda
#> 7 ARG argentina
#> 8 ARM armenia
#> 9 ABW aruba
#> 10 AUL australia
#> # ℹ 209 more rows
#> # A tibble: 57 × 2
#> sectoral_area_code sectoral_area_label
#> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 1 health and nutrition
#> 2 3 health
#> 3 4 water sanitation hygiene
#> 4 5 protection
#> 5 6 food security
#> 6 7 emergency shelter and nfi
#> 7 9 community services
#> 8 10 education
#> 9 11 environment
#> 10 12 livelihood & social cohesion
#> # ℹ 47 more rows
#> # A tibble: 219 × 2
#> country_code country_label
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 AFG afghanistan
#> 2 ALB albania
#> 3 ALG algeria
#> 4 AND andorra
#> 5 ANG angola
#> 6 ANT antigua and barbuda
#> 7 ARG argentina
#> 8 ARM armenia
#> 9 ABW aruba
#> 10 AUL australia
#> # ℹ 209 more rows
#> # A tibble: 57 × 2
#> sectoral_area_code sectoral_area_label
#> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 1 health and nutrition
#> 2 3 health
#> 3 4 water sanitation hygiene
#> 4 5 protection
#> 5 6 food security
#> 6 7 emergency shelter and nfi
#> 7 9 community services
#> 8 10 education
#> 9 11 environment
#> 10 12 livelihood & social cohesion
#> # ℹ 47 more rows