Display a single palette to see whether it meets your needs. If no num parameter is given, all the colours in the palette will be displayed. If num is less than the number of colours in the palette, then only the first num colours will be displayed. If num is greater than the number of colours in the palette, then that many colours will be generated by linear interpolation over the vector of colours in the chosen palette.

viz_palette(pal, ttl = deparse(substitute(pal)), num = length(pal))



character, vector of (hexadecimal) colours representing a palette


character, title to be displayed (the name of the palette)


numeric, the number of colours to display


viz_palette(ocha_palettes$tan, "tan")
viz_palette(ocha_palettes$red, "Red first 4", num = 4)
viz_palette(ocha_palettes$blue, "blue interpolated to 25", num = 25)