Create an icon for use within a page in a Shiny app. Icons can appear on their own, inside
of a button, or as an icon for a tabPanel
within a
humicon(name, size = 1, fixed_width = FALSE, animate = "still", rotate = 0, flip = "none", border = FALSE, pull = NULL, color = NULL, colour = color, other = NULL, class = NULL)
name | A string indicating the icon name. |
size | Size of the icon relative to font size. Options are 1, lg (33 increase), 2, 3, 4, or 5. |
fixed_width | If TRUE, the icon is set to a fixed width |
animate | 'still', 'spin', or 'pulse'. |
rotate | Rotate degree: 0, 90, 180, or 270. |
flip | 'none', 'horizontal', 'vertical'. |
border | If TRUE, draws a border around the icon. |
pull | Pulls icon to either 'left' or 'right' and wraps proceeding text around it. |
color, colour | Hex code for a colour to be given to the icon |
other | Character vector of other parameters directly added to the icon classes |
An Shiny icon element
# add an icon to a submit button submitButton("Update View", icon = icon("Fund"))#> Error in submitButton("Update View", icon = icon("Fund")): could not find function "submitButton"navbarPage("App Title", tabPanel("Plot", icon = humicon("Food-Security")), tabPanel("Summary", icon = humicon("Agriculture")), tabPanel("Table", icon = humicon("Livestock")) )#> Error in navbarPage("App Title", tabPanel("Plot", icon = humicon("Food-Security")), tabPanel("Summary", icon = humicon("Agriculture")), tabPanel("Table", icon = humicon("Livestock"))): could not find function "navbarPage"